Ongoing Study Courses

Curriculum activities
Participants' Camps
Dates and Programs
Research Seminars
Contribution to and/or participation in ongoing courses of the four modules: "Participants' Camp (PC)", "Active Contribution (AC)", "Dedicated Classes (DC)", and "Soft skill Courses (SC)", shall earn you certificate points (score board can be downloaded here).
In order to keep track of your course participation and / or contribution, please fill out the course record sheet that is provided to you (form can be download here). More information of how to report your activies to us is described in the "course report advices" (please download here).
We ask you to hand in your course record sheets at the end of each term, i.e. within two weeks after the end of the semester.
Please send all papers to:
Studiendekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät
c/o Mrs. Annett Müller
Universität Rostock
Ernst-Heydemann-Str. 8
18057 Rostock